React Lifecycle Methods
This post addresses the different lifecycle methods present in React, their order of execution, do’s and dont’s.
Main concepts
side effects: a side effect is anything that affects something outside the scope of the function being executed, in React term’s, that would be, for example, fetching data, triggering an animation, saving/updating cache, etc.
state: a container’s property which carries information on the current state of its inner properties.
props: props are properties passed down from parent components to children components, they can be either an object or primitve, or a reference to a function.
Lifecycle methods
Method | Do’s | Dont’s |
constructor() |
state initialization, event handler binding. | cause side-effects. |
render() |
return JSX, arrays, fragments, portals, strings, numbers, booleans and null. | modify state. |
componentDidMount() |
cause side effects. | if using subscriptions, must remove them with componentWillUnmount() . |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) |
conditionally cause side effects. | calling setState() unconditionally may trigger infinite loop. |
componentWillUnmount() |
perform cleanups: cancel network requests, close subscriptions. | call setState() , the component will never re-render. |
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) |
conditionally warn React that re-rendering on update is unnecessary for the component (for performance optimizations). | use it for flow-control, “manually” preventing React from updating the component. |
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) |
when state depends on changes in props, conditionally return object to update state or null. | cause side effects, reset state on prop changes, re-compute data. |
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) |
capture information from the DOM (scroll position, for example). Return value will be passed to componentDidUpdate() . |
use for anything else but for DOM information capture. |
componentDidCatch() |
catch unexpected exceptions/errors from children components. (Usefull for 404’s in routing). | use for control flow. |
Legacy lifecycle methods
These methods will be deprecated in future versions of React (specifically, after version 17), if you currently use them, consider reading the migration guide.
- componentWillMount()
- componentWillReceiveProps()
- componentWillUpdate()
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